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Vogue Italia Magazine June 2020 the Children issue #OurNewWorld
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“Can I play a Shrick on you?’ says Thomas W., 4 years old, from New York, who drew a Chanel look from the Métiers d’art 2019/20 collection on one of the Vogue Italia’s covers.[ Cover 1 of 8 ]
Nori T., 5 years old, from Amsterdam, drew a Chanel look from the Métiers d’art 2019/20 collection on one of the Vogue Italia’s covers. “It was fun actually! I liked drawing the clothing. What was special about it, is that it is fashion clothing! Also the colors are nice, they are the colors of fashion.” [ Cover 2 of 8 ]
Tadzio D.M., 6 years old, from Paris. We asked Tadzio what is the new world for him and he said “A world full of animals. I drew a penguin because I like their colours, they walk funny and they live in Antártica.” For the Vogue Italia’s cover he drew a Chanel look from the Métiers d’art 2019/20 collection. [ Cover 3 of 8 ]
Camilla C., 2 years old, lives in Dakar. When we asked her mother if she could provide us with a high-resolution image of the drawing, she informed us that unfortunately it had already been thrown out, given the child artist's prodigious daily production. For the Vogue Italia’s cover she drew a Chanel look from the Métiers d’art 2019/20 collection. [ Cover 4 of 8 ]
Giorgio P., 10 years old, lives in Parma. For the Vogue Italia’s cover he drew a Chanel look from the Métiers d’art 2019/20 collection.[ Cover 5 of 8 ]
Pietro R., 6 years old, from Milano, drew a Chanel look from the Métiers d’art 2019/20 collection on one of the Vogue Italia’s covers. Pietro loves trains, off-road vehicles and all things mechanical. But then he discovered the pleasure of drawing "ladies", as he calls them. [ Cover 6 of 8 ]
Rachele T., 5 years old, from Bologna, made many attempts with sequins, stars and applied fabric. She was so passionate that she did a customized Chanel logo on one of her white t-shirts. For the Vogue Italia’s cover she drew a Chanel look from the Métiers d’art 2019/20 collection. [ Cover 7 of 8 ]
Violetta T., 5 years old, lives in Milan. At first she didn't want to do the drawing, then when she found out it was for a magazine that you buy at the newsstand, she put a lot of effort into it. Then, when she was told it was going to be on the cover, she burst out laughing. She drew a Chanel look from the Métiers d’art 2019/20 collection.[ Cover 8 of 8 ]