Delivery times Unless special delay request from you, we usually ship within the next 48 working hours after the purchase. Anyway, if you need, we're able to offer also faster same-day or 24h shipping services. After the parcel shipment you'll receive from us a 'tracking code' useful to follow the status of your parcel delivery. Delivery time depends from destination, type of service and period of the year. The approximate time scales, in working days,are as follows:
[ Europe, USA 4-6 ] [ America 10-14 ] [ Africa, Asia, Australia, Oceania, 15-25 ]
Delivery status You could check your parcel delivery status using this link Check your shipment
Shipping cost is automatically calculated (using total weight of the purchased items once packed) and shown on last checkout page, BEFORE any payment confirmation (if you'll use Paypal you should sign in it in order to verify it) so you'll always be able to verify it before finalizing your purchase. If you feel more comfortable don't hesitate and contact us at, asking for a quote.